Thursday, October 7, 2010


Our hearts bathed in the sunlight because we bring forth brilliant light.
This light comes from within and it shines forth the brightest rays,
Sunshine of golden hues, a chasm of the purest light,
Light that peaks through the angriest clouds and lights up the darkest skies.

Razor cutting through the roaring clouds of thunder and lightening,
Permeating against the black sky, bringing forth the warmest light,
A light that surrounds and penetrates the hardest and darkest corners,
Like a warmed blanket heated on the coldest night.

Light surrounds our love, light so strong it humbles the hardest soul.
Like a brilliant light that keeps finding its way till it reaches the soul.
Then it nourishes a lifeless heart, withered from time and pain.

Like a flood gate opening, this light shines forth bursting at every angle.
The strongest of hearts melt and tremble beneath its powerful might.
Yet this wonderment, alluring and inviting, without it,
After experiencing it, one would surely die.

Let the light shine forth with all its power, let it melt and bend with its purest essence.
For it's light is nourishment to the soul, it forever gives food to the yearning soul.
This light of love is the window of my soul,
Heated, warm, loving and untouched.

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