Thursday, October 7, 2010

Come live with me and be my love,
And we will all the pleasures prove,
That valleys, groves, hills and fields,
Woods or steepy mountains yields.

And we will sit upon the rocks,
Seeing the shepherds feed their flocks
By shallow rivers, to whose falls
Melodious birds sing madrigals.

And I will make thee beds of roses,
And a thousand fragrant posies,
A cap of flowers and a kirtle
Embroidered all with leaves of myrtle;
A gown made of the finest wool,
Which from our pretty lambs we pull;
Fair-lined slippers for the cold,
With buckles of the purest gold;
A belt of straw and ivy buds,
With coral clasps and amber studs;
And if these pleasures may thee move,
Come live with me and be my love.

The shepherd swains shall dance and sing
For thy delight each May morning;
If these delights thy mind may move,
Then live with me and be my love.
Lovers Night

A special dinner,
That's what he set out to do.
To show her how special she was,
To show her his love was true.
A candle light dinner,
He made for them to eat.
Looking deep into her eyes,
Their souls did meet.
After they ate dinner,
To the couch they did retire.
Curled up together with a movie,
And the sweet glow of a fire.
So relaxed and content,
A feeling of heavenly bliss.
On the back of her neck,
He placed a sweet soft kiss.
It sent a shiver down her spine,
And she turned and held him tight.
Whispering softly in his ear,
Make love to me all night.
He said I'll be right back,
As he got up off the couch.
Into his bedroom he went,
Then pulled out a pouch.
He pulled out rose pedals,
And laid them all over the bed.
Hundreds of rose pedals,
White, yellow, pink and red.
Around the room,
Candle after candle he did light.
Making a soft glow in the room,
That flicked in the night.
He went to the couch,
And took her by the hand.
She glowed like the full moon,
As she got off the couch to stand.
He walked behind her down the hall,
With his hands he covered her eyes.
So she couldnt see anything,
Especially the candle and rose pedal surprise.
When they got to the door,
He let her see the surprise.
It took away her breath,
She just couldnt believe her eyes.
He took her by the hand,
And softly kissed her lips.
He pulled her close to him,
And up her arm he ran his fingertips.
The two made love all night,
The two became one.
Desire and passion so hot,
As hot as a noon sun.
The sweat of their bodies,
Glistened in the candle light.
Collapsing in each others arms,
Somewhere in the middle of the night.
They curled up together,
Holding her all so tight.
With the glow of the candles,
As the lovers nightlight.
Laying next to her,
He rubbed her back with his hand.
Just laying there looking at her,
As she drifted off to dream land.
He woke her the next morning,
With coffee for her in his hand.
His beautiful sweet lover,
The Princess of his land.

Our hearts bathed in the sunlight because we bring forth brilliant light.
This light comes from within and it shines forth the brightest rays,
Sunshine of golden hues, a chasm of the purest light,
Light that peaks through the angriest clouds and lights up the darkest skies.

Razor cutting through the roaring clouds of thunder and lightening,
Permeating against the black sky, bringing forth the warmest light,
A light that surrounds and penetrates the hardest and darkest corners,
Like a warmed blanket heated on the coldest night.

Light surrounds our love, light so strong it humbles the hardest soul.
Like a brilliant light that keeps finding its way till it reaches the soul.
Then it nourishes a lifeless heart, withered from time and pain.

Like a flood gate opening, this light shines forth bursting at every angle.
The strongest of hearts melt and tremble beneath its powerful might.
Yet this wonderment, alluring and inviting, without it,
After experiencing it, one would surely die.

Let the light shine forth with all its power, let it melt and bend with its purest essence.
For it's light is nourishment to the soul, it forever gives food to the yearning soul.
This light of love is the window of my soul,
Heated, warm, loving and untouched.
A Little Thing Called Love

Love is a many splendored thing, they say,
And I believe it when you looked my way,
Out of the blue, things seemed to happen
By chance or destiny, is the question.
Living my life so long, without knowing your existence,
Then came a day we felt each others presence,
Guess what's meant to be will always find a way,
Love creeps into hearts and decides to stay.
A love so exquisite, yet so intricate,
In a world of only "you and I"
A love we can't even demonstrate,
A secret we have to keep for life.
I love you, honey, and its from my heart,
I hope you know that youre no beggar from the start,
You make me fly without wings,
You make my heart wants to sing.
Every moment I spent with you,
Is every one of my dreams coming true,
More than words, I want to show you how I feel,
Someday, some place, sometime, I will.
Love is a journey for two,
Step by step, me and you,
The future we can't see,
Let love lead the way for you and me.

If you had my love
And I gave you all my trust
Would you comfort me
And if somehow you knew that your love would be untrue
Would you lie to me
And call me baby
Now if I gave you me, this is how it's got to be
First of all I won't take you cheatin' on me
Tell me who can
I trust if I can't trust in you
And I refuse to let you play me for a fool
You said that we could possibly spend eternity
See that's what you told me that's what you said
But if you want me
You have to be fulfilling all my dreams
If you really want me babe
If you had my love
And I gave you all my trust
Would you comfort me
And if somehow you knew that your love would be untrue
Would you lie to me And call me baby
You said you want my love and you've got to have it all
But first there are some things you need to know
If you want to live
With all I have to give
I need to feel true love
Or it's got to end, yeah I don't want you
Trying to get with me
And I end up unhappy
Don't need the hurt and
I don't need the pain
So before I do
Give myself to you
I have to know the truth
If I spend my life with you
If you had my love
And I gave you all my trust
Would you comfort me
And if somehow you knew that your love would be untrue
Would you lie to me
And call me baby
If you had my love
And I gave you all my trust
Would you comfort me
And if somehow you knew that your love would be untrue
Would you lie to me
And call me baby
If you had my love
And I gave you all my trust
Would you comfort me
And if somehow you knew that your love would be untrue
Would you lie to me
And call me baby
If you had my love
And I gave you all my trust
Would you comfort me
Could This Be Love
If you only knew
What I've been going through
Waiting and wanting you
Could this be love
How, tell me how will
I know
Will my heart make me believe it so
Or can I trust the way
I feel If you could read my mind
You see how hard
I've tried
Still I can't decide
If you only knew
What I've been going through
Waiting and wanting you
Could this be love
Oh, tell me could this be love
Do you know if it's true
That real love lasts a lifetime
Does it shine like the stars up in the sky
And do you know if you can fall for
Just a moment
Is a moment for all time
Why, why am I so unsure
Is that love knocking at my door
Or the sound of my beating heart
If you could read my mind
You know I just can't hide
What I feel inside
Oh, tell me could this be love
There ain't a dream that don't
Have a chance
To come true now
It just takes a little faith baby
Anything that we want to do
We can do now
There ain't nothing in our way baby
Nothing our love couldn't raise above
We can get through the night
We can get to the light
Long as we got our love to
Light the way
With a little faith
Just a little trust I
f you believe in love
Love can move mountains
Believe in your heart
And feel, feel it in your soul
And love baby love can
Move mountains
Ocean deep and mountains high
They can't stop us
Because love is on our side baby
We can reach the heavens and
Touch the sky
Just believe it, believe in you and
I baby
If we got love that is strong enough
We can do anything, make it through anything
'Coz through it all love will always
Find a way With a little faith...
You believe in me
I'll believe in you
If we believe in each other
Nothing we can't do
If we got love that's strong enough
Love will find a way
With a little faith